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Levi Edwards

RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version: What It Is, How It Works, and Why You Should Try It

RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version Download: How to Install and Play the Ultimate Rome: Total War Mod

If you are a fan of Rome: Total War, one of the best strategy games ever made, you might be interested in trying out RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, a mod that enhances every aspect of the game and makes it even more realistic, historical, and enjoyable.

Rtr Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version Download

In this article, we will explain what RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version is, how to download and install it, how to play and enjoy it, and answer some frequently asked questions about it.

What is RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version?

RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version is a modification for Rome: Total War that aims to improve the game in terms of realism, historical accuracy, gameplay balance, diversity, immersion, and fun.

A brief introduction to RTR Platinum

Rome: Total Realism (RTR) is a project that started in 2004 as a mod for Rome: Total War that aimed to make the game more historically accurate by changing various aspects of the game such as factions, units, maps, scripts, graphics, sounds, etc.

Over the years, RTR evolved into several versions The main features and improvements of RTR Platinum V1.9

RTR Platinum V1.9 is the latest and most complete version of the RTR mod, which has been in development for over a decade. It offers a lot of features and improvements that make the game more realistic, historical, and enjoyable. Some of the main features and improvements are:

  • New factions and units: RTR Platinum V1.9 adds 10 new playable factions, such as the Seleucids, the Ptolemies, the Numidians, the Parthians, and the Galatians. Each faction has its own unique roster of units, with over 400 new units in total. The units are based on historical sources and research, and have realistic stats, skins, models, animations, and sounds.

  • New maps and scripts: RTR Platinum V1.9 features a new campaign map that covers the whole Mediterranean region and beyond, with over 200 provinces and 150 settlements. The map is more detailed, accurate, and diverse than the original one, with different climates, terrains, resources, and cultures. The mod also adds new scripts that enhance the gameplay and immersion, such as historical events, civil wars, rebellions, plagues, famines, migrations, diplomacy, trade, religion, culture, and more.

  • New graphics and sounds: RTR Platinum V1.9 improves the graphics and sounds of the game by adding new textures, models, effects, lighting, shadows, weather, seasons, and more. The mod also adds new music and sounds that suit the atmosphere and theme of the game.

The difference between the normal version and the mod switch version of RTR Platinum V1.9

RTR Platinum V1.9 comes in two versions: the normal version and the mod switch version. The difference between them is how they are installed and run.

The normal version is installed over the original Rome: Total War game files, replacing them with the mod files. This means that you can only play RTR Platinum V1.9 with this version, and not the vanilla game or any other mod.

The mod switch version is installed in a separate folder inside the Rome: Total War folder, leaving the original game files intact. This means that you can play both RTR Platinum V1.9 and the vanilla game or any other mod with this version, by using different shortcuts or command lines to switch between them.

The mod switch version is preferable for compatibility and convenience reasons, as it allows you to play multiple versions of the game without having to reinstall or overwrite anything. It also avoids potential conflicts or errors that might occur with the normal version. How to Download and Install RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version?

If you want to try out RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, you will need to download and install it properly. Here are the prerequisites and requirements, and the step-by-step instructions for doing so.

The prerequisites and requirements for installing RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version

Before you download and install RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, you will need to have the following:

  • Rome: Total War with patches 1.3 and 1.5 installed: You will need to have the original Rome: Total War game with the latest official patches applied. You can check your game version by looking at the bottom right corner of the main menu screen. If you have Rome: Total War Gold Edition or Rome: Total War Anthology, you already have the patches installed. If not, you can download them from here .

  • Enough disk space: You will need to have at least 4 GB of free disk space to install RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, as it is a large mod that adds a lot of files and data to the game.

The step-by-step instructions for downloading and installing RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version

Once you have the prerequisites and requirements, you can follow these steps to download and install RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version:

  • Download the mod files: You will need to download two files: the main mod file and the mod switch file. The main mod file is a self-extracting archive that contains all the mod data and files. The mod switch file is a small executable that allows you to switch between RTW vanilla and RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version easily. You can download both files from here.

  • Run the main mod file: After downloading the main mod file, run it as an administrator and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to select your Rome: Total War folder as the destination folder, and choose the options that suit your preferences, such as language, difficulty, music, etc. The installer will create a new folder called "RTR" inside your Rome: Total War folder, where it will extract all the mod files.

  • Run the mod switch file: After running the main mod file, run the mod switch file as an administrator and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to select your Rome: Total War folder as the source folder, and choose whether you want to create desktop shortcuts for RTW vanilla and RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version. The mod switch file will create two new files called "RTW.exe" and "RTR.exe" inside your Rome: Total War folder, which are used to launch the game in different modes.

  • Enjoy the mod: After running both files, you are ready to play RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version. You can use the desktop shortcuts or the "RTW.exe" and "RTR.exe" files to launch the game in either RTW vanilla or RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version mode.

The optional addons and tweaks that can be applied to RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version

If you want to customize or enhance your RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version experience, you can apply some optional addons and tweaks that are available for download from here. Some of these addons and tweaks are:

  • Alternative animations: This addon replaces some of the default animations of the units with more realistic and varied ones.

  • No land-blocks: This addon removes some of the artificial barriers that prevent units from moving freely on the campaign map.

  • No torches: This addon removes the torches that units carry at night, which can cause performance issues or visual glitches.

  • Cognomen mod: This addon adds historical names and titles to some of the faction leaders and generals.

  • AI battle formations mod: This addon improves the AI's ability to use formations and maneuvers in battles.

  • Preferences tweaks: This tweak allows you to change some of the settings of the game, such as camera speed, unit size, battle time limit, etc.

To apply these addons and tweaks, you will need to download them and follow the instructions provided by their authors How to Play and Enjoy RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version?

After installing RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, you might be wondering how to play and enjoy it. Here are some basic tips and tricks, advanced strategies and tactics, and best ways to enjoy the mod.

The basic tips and tricks for playing RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version

If you are new to RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, or to Rome: Total War in general, you might need some guidance on how to play the game. Here are some basic tips and tricks that will help you get started:

  • Choose a faction: The first thing you need to do is to choose a faction to play as. There are 20 playable factions in RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, history, culture, and goals. You can read the faction descriptions and previews in the game menu, or consult the faction guides on the mod website or forum. You can also use the random faction option if you want some surprise and challenge.

  • Start a campaign: After choosing a faction, you can start a campaign, which is the main mode of the game. You can choose between two campaign types: short or long. The short campaign requires you to achieve a certain number of provinces and eliminate one or more rival factions within a time limit. The long campaign requires you to achieve a higher number of provinces and eliminate more rival factions within a longer time limit. You can also choose the difficulty level of the campaign, which affects the AI's aggressiveness and competence.

  • Manage your economy: One of the most important aspects of the game is managing your economy, which consists of your income and expenses. Your income comes from taxes, trade, farming, mining, and other sources. Your expenses come from army upkeep, building construction, agent recruitment, bribes, and other costs. You need to balance your income and expenses, and avoid going into debt or bankruptcy. You can improve your economy by building economic buildings, developing trade routes, increasing population growth, lowering taxes, and reducing corruption.

  • Manage your diplomacy: Another important aspect of the game is managing your diplomacy, which consists of your relations and interactions with other factions. Your relations with other factions are affected by various factors, such as your reputation, your actions, your alliances, your enemies, your religion, your culture, and more. You can interact with other factions by sending diplomats or spies, who can negotiate treaties, trade agreements, alliances, wars, payments, map information, and more. You need to use diplomacy wisely, as it can help you gain allies, avoid enemies, expand your territory, or secure your borders.

  • Manage your military: The most exciting aspect of the game is managing your military, which consists of your armies and navies. Your armies are composed of various units of infantry, cavalry, archers, artillery, elephants, chariots, and more. Your navies are composed of various ships of different sizes and capabilities. You need to recruit, train, equip, and maintain your military forces, and use them to defend your lands, attack your enemies, or conquer new territories. You can also hire mercenaries, who are temporary units that can be useful in certain situations.

  • Fight battles: The most thrilling aspect of the game is fighting battles, which are the clashes between your military forces and those of your enemies or rebels. Battles can occur on land or sea, and can be either field battles or siege battles. Field battles are fought on open terrain, where you can use different formations and tactics to gain an advantage over your enemy. Siege battles are fought in or around settlements, where you can either assault the walls and gates, or defend them from attackers. You can either fight the battles yourself, or let the computer resolve them automatically.

The advanced strategies and tactics for playing RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version

If you are an experienced player of RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, or of Rome: Total War in general, you might want to learn some advanced strategies and tactics that will help you master the game. Here are some advanced strategies and tactics that will help you win the game:

  • Exploit the strengths and weaknesses of each faction and unit type: Each faction and unit type has its own strengths and weaknesses, which you need to know and exploit. For example, some factions have better infantry, cavalry, archers, or artillery than others, and some units have better armor, weapons, speed, morale, or discipline than others. You need to use the best units for each situation, and avoid using units that are vulnerable to certain enemies or terrains. You also need to know the historical enemies and allies of each faction, and use that to your advantage.

  • Use formations and maneuvers effectively: Formations and maneuvers are the key to winning battles, as they can give you an edge over your enemy in terms of positioning, movement, coordination, and combat. You need to use the right formation for each unit type and situation, such as line, column, wedge, square, phalanx, testudo, etc. You also need to use the right maneuver for each unit type and situation, such as charge, flank, rear, envelopment, hammer and anvil, feint, retreat, etc. You need to be flexible and adaptable in changing your formations and maneuvers according to the changing circumstances of the battle.

  • Deal with different scenarios and challenges: The game offers a variety of scenarios and challenges that you need to deal with effectively. For example, you might face civil wars within your faction, rebellions from unhappy provinces, plagues from poor sanitation, famines from low food production, migrations from population pressure, invasions from powerful enemies, and more. You need to be prepared and proactive in dealing with these scenarios and challenges, by using your economic, diplomatic, and military resources wisely. You also need to be aware of the historical events and characters that might affect your game, such as the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of leaders, the wars and alliances of nations, and more.

The best ways to enjoy RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version

If you want to enjoy RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version to the fullest, you can do some things that will enhance your gaming experience. Here are some of the best ways to enjoy the mod:

  • Explore the historical events and characters: RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version is not only a game, but also a history lesson. The mod is based on extensive historical research and sources, and it recreates the historical events and characters of the ancient world with great accuracy and detail. You can learn a lot about the history, culture, politics, religion, warfare, and art of the ancient civilizations that shaped our world. You can also interact with some of the most famous and influential historical figures, such as Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Spartacus, and more.

  • Immerse yourself in the atmosphere and realism: RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version is not only a strategy game, but also a simulation game. The mod creates a realistic and immersive atmosphere that makes you feel like you are living in the ancient world. You can see the beauty and diversity of the landscapes, the seasons, the weather, and the wildlife. You can hear the sounds of nature, music, speeches, battles, and crowds. You can feel the emotions and motivations of your people, your enemies, your allies, and your rivals.

  • Join the online community and multiplayer mode: RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version is not only a single-player game, but also a multiplayer game. The mod has a large and active online community that supports and enhances the mod. You can join the mod website or forum , where you can find more information, guides, tips, screenshots, videos, reviews, feedback, suggestions, bug reports, and more. You can also download and install more addons, tweaks, patches, and updates that improve the mod. You can also join the multiplayer mode, where you can play with or against other players online, using the same or different factions, in custom or historical battles, in cooperative or competitive modes.


RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version is a mod for Rome: Total War that enhances the game in every way possible. It makes the game more realistic, historical, balanced, diverse, immersive, and fun. It adds new factions, units, maps, scripts, graphics, sounds, and more. It allows you to play both RTW vanilla and RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version with ease and convenience. It offers a lot of options and customization for your gaming preferences. It teaches you a lot about the history and culture of the ancient world. It lets you join a large and active online community and multiplayer mode.

If you are a fan of Rome: Total War, or of strategy games in general, you should definitely download and try RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version for yourself. You will not regret it.


What are the system requirements for RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version?

The system requirements for RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version are the same as those for Rome: Total War, with some additional disk space needed for the mod files. The minimum system requirements are:

  • Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP

  • Pentium III 1.0GHz or Athlon 1.0GHz processor or higher

  • 256MB RAM

  • 8x Speed DVD-ROM drive (1200KB/sec sustained transfer rate) and latest drivers

  • 2.9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows swap file)

  • 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers

  • 100% Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers

  • DirectX 9.0c (included)

  • 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card with Shader 1 support and the latest drivers.

How can I uninstall RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version?

If you want to uninstall RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Delete the "RTR" folder inside your Rome: Total War folder.

  • Delete the "RTW.exe" and "RTR.exe" files inside your Rome: Total War folder.

  • Delete the desktop shortcuts for RTW vanilla and RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version.

Note that uninstalling RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version will not affect your RTW vanilla game or any other mod.

How can I switch between RTW vanilla and RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version?

If you have installed RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version using the mod switch file, you can switch between RTW vanilla and RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version by using different shortcuts or command lines to launch the game.

You can use the desktop shortcuts that were created by the mod switch file, which are labeled as "Rome: Total War" for RTW vanilla and "Rome: Total Realism Platinum" for RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version.

You can also use the "RTW.exe" and "RTR.exe" files that were created by the mod switch file, which are located inside your Rome: Total War folder. You can run them directly or create your own shortcuts for them.

The "RTW.exe" file will launch the game in RTW vanilla mode, while the "RTR.exe" file will launch the game in RTR Platinum V1.9 Mod Switch Version mode.

How can I play RTR Platinum V1.


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