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Mircea Vulcanescu Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei Pdf Downloadl

Mircea Vulcanescu Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei Pdf Downloadl

Mircea Vulcanescu (1904-1952) was a Romanian philosopher, sociologist, economist, and historian who is best known for his work Dimensiunea românească a existenței (The Romanian Dimension of Existence), published posthumously in 1991. This book is a collection of his lectures and essays that explore the essence and meaning of the Romanian culture and identity, as well as the metaphysical and ethical implications of living in a Romanian way.

In this article, we will provide a brief overview of Vulcanescu's life and work, as well as a summary of the main themes and concepts of his book. We will also provide a link to download the PDF version of the book for free.


Mircea Vulcanescu's Life and Work

Mircea Vulcanescu was born in Bucharest, Romania, on March 6, 1904. He studied law and economics at the University of Bucharest, where he became interested in philosophy and sociology. He was influenced by the ideas of Lucian Blaga, Constantin Noica, Nae Ionescu, and other members of the Romanian interwar cultural movement known as the Criterion Group. He also became involved in politics, joining the National Peasants' Party and serving as a minister of finance in 1937-1938.

Vulcanescu's academic career was marked by his original and interdisciplinary approach to various fields of knowledge, such as economics, history, law, religion, folklore, and mythology. He published several books and articles on these topics, such as The Theory of Value (1935), The History of Economic Doctrines (1936), The Romanian Law (1943), and The Mythology of the Romanian People (1944). He also taught at the University of Bucharest and the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies.

Vulcanescu's most important work, however, was Dimensiunea românească a existenței, which he wrote between 1943 and 1946. This book was intended to be a comprehensive analysis of the Romanian culture and mentality, based on historical, sociological, philosophical, and theological sources. However, the book remained unpublished during his lifetime, due to the political situation in Romania after World War II.

In 1948, Vulcanescu was arrested by the communist regime on false charges of espionage and sabotage. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in the notorious Sighet prison, where he died on October 28, 1952. His manuscripts were confiscated and destroyed by the authorities, but some copies were saved by his friends and family. The book was finally published in 1991, after the fall of communism in Romania.

Dimensiunea românească a existenței: Main Themes and Concepts

The book consists of three parts: The Dacian Temptation, The Concrete Existence in Romanian Metaphysics, and The Romanian Dimension of Existence. In each part, Vulcanescu explores different aspects of the Romanian culture and identity, such as its historical origins, its religious beliefs, its moral values, its social structures, its artistic expressions, and its existential challenges.

One of the main themes of the book is the distinction between two types of existence: abstract existence and concrete existence. Abstract existence is defined by Vulcanescu as the mode of being that is based on rationality, logic, universality, objectivity, and detachment from reality. Concrete existence is defined as the mode of being that is based on intuition, emotionality, particularity, subjectivity, and involvement with reality. Vulcanescu argues that abstract existence is characteristic of Western civilization, while concrete existence is characteristic of Eastern civilization.

Vulcanescu claims that Romania belongs to both Western and Eastern civilizations, but has a predominant orientation towards concrete existence. He traces this orientation back to the ancient Dacians, who were the ancestors of the Romanians. The Dacians were a people who lived in harmony with nature, who had a mystical and animistic worldview, who valued freedom and courage, and who resisted the Roman invasion. Vulcanescu calls this the Dacian temptation, which is the tendency of the Romanians to preserve their original identity and to reject foreign influences.

However, Vulcanescu also acknowledges that Romania has been influenced by various cultures and religions throughout its history, such as Roman, Byzantine, Slavic, Ottoman, and Western. He argues that these influences have enriched and diversified the Romanian culture, but have also created conflicts and contradictions. He proposes that the Romanian dimension of existence is the synthesis of these influences, which is based on a balance between abstract and concrete existence, between rationality and emotionality, between universality and particularity, between objectivity and subjectivity, and between detachment and involvement.

Vulcanescu illustrates this dimension of existence with examples from various domains of Romanian culture, such as law, religion, folklore, literature, music, art, and architecture. He shows how these domains reflect the Romanian spirit, which is characterized by creativity, originality, adaptability, flexibility, tolerance, diversity, solidarity, generosity, hospitality, humor, and optimism. He also shows how these domains express the Romanian values, such as faith, hope, love, justice, freedom, dignity, honor, loyalty, responsibility, and sacrifice.

Vulcanescu concludes his book by stating that the Romanian dimension of existence is not a static or fixed reality, but a dynamic and evolving one. He argues that the Romanians have to face the challenges of modernity and globalization without losing their identity and authenticity. He suggests that the Romanians have to find a way to integrate their concrete existence with their abstract existence, to harmonize their tradition with their innovation, to reconcile their diversity with their unity, and to affirm their specificity with their universality.

Mircea Vulcanescu Dimensiunea Romaneasca A Existentei Pdf Downloadl

If you are interested in reading more about Mircea Vulcanescu's book Dimensiunea românească a existenței, you can download the PDF version of the book for free from this link. The book is in Romanian language, but you can use an online translator to read it in your preferred language. We hope that you will enjoy this book and learn more about the Romanian culture and identity.


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