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WX Advantage Radar: A Realistic and Reliable Weather Radar for Any Aircraft and Any Weather Engine in FSX and P3D

[FSX P3D] REX Game Studios - WX Advantage Radar Update 2 Free Download

If you are a fan of flight simulation, you probably know how important it is to have a realistic and reliable weather radar in your cockpit. A weather radar can help you avoid dangerous storms, navigate through clouds, and plan your route more efficiently. However, not all weather radars are created equal. Some are outdated, inaccurate, or incompatible with certain aircraft or weather engines.

[FSX P3D] REX Game Studios - WX Advantage Radar Update 2 Free Download


That's why REX Game Studios, in partnership with MilViz, developed the WX Advantage Radar, a state-of-the-art weather radar gauge that works with any aircraft and any weather engine in FSX and P3D. The WX Advantage Radar is designed to simulate the real-world performance and functionality of modern airborne radars, with features such as realistic attenuation, precipitation echoes, turbulence detection, ground clutter suppression, and more.

In this article, we will review the latest update for the WX Advantage Radar, which is Update 2. This update brings several improvements and fixes to the radar, such as compatibility with P3D v4.5 Hotfix 2, enhanced performance and stability, better integration with Active Sky Next, and more. We will also show you how to download and install the update, how to use the radar in your flight simulation, and some tips and tricks for getting the most out of it.

How to download and install the update

If you already own the WX Advantage Radar, you can download Update 2 for free from your customer account at REX Game Studios' website. You will need to log in with your email address and password, then go to your order history page and click on the download link for Update 2. You will also find a PDF file with detailed installation instructions.

If you don't own the WX Advantage Radar yet, you can buy it from REX Game Studios' online store or from other authorized resellers such as simMarket. The price is $19.95 USD (excluding VAT) for both FSX and P3D versions. Once you purchase it, you will receive an email with your download link and activation key.

The installation process is simple and straightforward. You just need to run the installer file as an administrator, follow the on-screen prompts, enter your activation key when asked, and select your simulator version (FSX or P3D). The installer will automatically detect your simulator path and install the radar gauge in your gauges folder. It will also create a desktop shortcut for easy access to the configuration tool.

To verify that the update is working correctly, you can launch your simulator and load any aircraft that has a WX Advantage Radar installed. You can check if you have Update 2 by looking at the version number on the bottom right corner of the radar display. It should say "WX Advantage Radar v1.1.2019.1025". If you have an older version, you need to download and install the update again.

How to use the WX Advantage Radar in flight simulation

The WX Advantage Radar is a versatile and user-friendly weather radar that can be used with any aircraft and any weather engine in FSX and P3D. You can install the radar gauge in any 2D or 3D panel, or use it as a standalone window. You can also resize and reposition the radar window as you like.

To access and configure the radar gauge in your aircraft, you need to use the configuration tool that comes with the WX Advantage Radar. You can launch the configuration tool from your desktop shortcut or from the start menu. The configuration tool will show you a list of all your installed aircraft, and allow you to add or remove the radar gauge from their panels. You can also adjust some settings such as the default tilt and range values, the display brightness and contrast, and the scan mode (normal or test).

Once you have installed the radar gauge in your aircraft, you can use it during your flight simulation. The radar display will show you a realistic representation of the weather conditions around your aircraft, based on the data from your weather engine. You can see different colors and shapes that indicate the intensity and type of precipitation, as well as areas of turbulence and wind shear.

To interpret the radar display, you need to understand some basic concepts and symbols. The most important ones are:

  • The radar antenna is located at the bottom center of the display, and represents the position of your aircraft. The antenna rotates clockwise to scan the weather around you.

  • The compass rose is a circle around the antenna that shows the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and the degrees (0 to 360). The compass rose moves according to your aircraft heading.

  • The range rings are concentric circles around the antenna that show the distance from your aircraft in nautical miles (NM). The range rings are spaced according to the range setting that you choose, which can be from 5 NM to 320 NM.

  • The tilt angle is the angle between the horizontal plane and the radar beam. The tilt angle can be adjusted by using the up and down arrows on the right side of the display. The tilt angle affects how much of the weather above or below your aircraft level is shown on the display. A positive tilt angle (+) means that the radar beam is pointing upwards, while a negative tilt angle (-) means that it is pointing downwards.

  • The weather colors are different shades of green, yellow, red, and magenta that indicate the intensity of precipitation. The colors are based on the reflectivity values of the precipitation particles, measured in decibels (dBZ). The higher the reflectivity value, the stronger the precipitation. The color scale is as follows:

ColorReflectivity (dBZ)Precipitation Type

Green18-36Light rain or snow

Yellow36-48Moderate rain or snow

Red48-60Heavy rain or snow

Magenta60+Extreme rain or hail

  • The weather shapes are different patterns that indicate the type and movement of precipitation. The most common shapes are:


DotA single pixel of color that indicates isolated precipitation.

LineA straight line of color that indicates a narrow band of precipitation.

HookA curved line of color that indicates a rotating storm or a tornado.

BowA convex line of color that indicates a fast-moving storm or a squall line.

CellA circular or oval shape of color that indicates a convective storm or a thunderstorm.

EchoA faded shape of color that indicates a previous scan of precipitation.

To use the radar to avoid hazardous weather and turbulence, you need to adjust the tilt and range settings according to your flight situation. A general rule of thumb is to use a lower tilt angle and a higher range setting when flying at high altitudes, and a higher tilt angle and a lower range setting when flying at low altitudes. This way, you can avoid scanning too much of the ground or the sky, and focus on the weather that is relevant to your flight level.

For example, if you are flying at 30,000 feet and you want to avoid a thunderstorm ahead of you, you can set the tilt angle to -2 and the range setting to 80 NM. This will show you the weather conditions up to 80 NM ahead of you, and up to 2 below your aircraft level. You can then see the shape and color of the storm cell, and decide whether to fly around it or change your altitude.

On the other hand, if you are flying at 5,000 feet and you want to avoid turbulence caused by mountain waves, you can set the tilt angle to +2 and the range setting to 20 NM. This will show you the weather conditions up to 20 NM ahead of you, and up to 2 above your aircraft level. You can then see the areas of red or magenta color that indicate strong updrafts or downdrafts, and avoid flying over them.

Tips and tricks for getting the most out of the WX Advantage Radar

The WX Advantage Radar is a powerful and realistic weather radar that can enhance your flight simulation experience. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help you get even more out of it. Here are some of them:

  • Integrate the radar with other weather add-ons and tools. The WX Advantage Radar works with any weather engine, such as Active Sky Next, REX Sky Force 3D, or OpusFSI. However, you can also use it with other weather add-ons and tools that can provide additional information or features. For example, you can use it with REX Weather Architect, which allows you to create your own custom weather scenarios. Or you can use it with FSXWX, which provides real-time weather data from METAR stations. Or you can use it with Plan-G, which shows your flight plan and weather conditions on a map.

  • Customize the radar appearance and performance options. The WX Advantage Radar allows you to adjust some settings that can affect how the radar looks and performs in your simulator. You can access these settings from the configuration tool or from the menu button on the top left corner of the radar display. Some of the settings that you can change are:


BrightnessControls how bright or dark the radar display is.

ContrastControls how sharp or blurry the radar display is.

Scan ModeControls how fast or slow the radar antenna rotates.

Display ModeControls how smooth or jagged the radar display is.

Turbulence ModeControls how sensitive or insensitive the radar is to turbulence detection.

Ground Clutter ModeControls how much or how little ground clutter is shown on the radar display.

Attenuation ModeControls how realistic or unrealistic the radar attenuation is.

Precipitation ModeControls how detailed or simplified the precipitation shapes are.

Echo ModeControls how long or short the echo trails are.

  • Troubleshoot common problems and errors with the radar. The WX Advantage Radar is a stable and reliable weather radar that works well with most aircraft and weather engines. However, sometimes you may encounter some problems or errors that can affect its functionality. Here are some of the most common ones and how to fix them:


The radar display is blank or shows no weather.Make sure that your weather engine is running and providing weather data to your simulator. Make sure that your range setting is not too low or too high for your flight level. Make sure that your tilt angle is not too positive or too negative for your flight level. Make sure that your scan mode is set to normal and not test.

The radar display shows unrealistic or inaccurate weather.Make sure that your weather engine is compatible with the WX Advantage Radar and that it is updated to the latest version. Make sure that your attenuation mode is set to realistic and not unrealistic. Make sure that your precipitation mode is set to detailed and not simplified.

The radar display shows a red X or an error message.Make sure that your activation key is valid and that you have not exceeded the number of activations allowed. Make sure that your internet connection is stable and that you have not blocked the radar from accessing the internet. Make sure that your antivirus or firewall software is not interfering with the radar. Make sure that you have installed the latest update for the radar.


The WX Advantage Radar Update 2 is a great improvement for the WX Advantage Radar, a state-of-the-art weather radar gauge that works with any aircraft and any weather engine in FSX and P3D. The update brings compatibility with P3D v4.5 Hotfix 2, enhanced performance and stability, better integration with Active Sky Next, and more.

The WX Advantage Radar is a realistic and reliable weather radar that can help you avoid hazardous weather and turbulence, navigate through clouds, and plan your route more efficiently. It simulates the real-world performance and functionality of modern airborne radars, with features such as realistic attenuation, precipitation echoes, turbulence detection, ground clutter suppression, and more.

In this article, we have shown you how to download and install the update, how to use the radar in your flight simulation, and some tips and tricks for getting the most out of it. We hope that you have enjoyed this article and that you will try the WX Advantage Radar Update 2 for yourself.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about the update or the radar, please feel free to share them with us in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you and learn from your experience.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the WX Advantage Radar Update 2:

What is the difference between WX Advantage Radar and other weather radars?

The WX Advantage Radar is different from other weather radars in several ways. Some of the main differences are:

  • The WX Advantage Radar works with any aircraft and any weather engine in FSX and P3D, while other weather radars may be limited to certain aircraft or weather engines.

  • The WX Advantage Radar simulates the real-world performance and functionality of modern airborne radars, while other weather radars may be based on older or simplified models.

  • The WX Advantage Radar has a user-friendly configuration tool that allows you to install and customize the radar gauge in any panel, while other weather radars may require manual editing of panel files or complex procedures.

  • The WX Advantage Radar has a realistic and adjustable tilt angle feature that allows you to scan different altitudes of weather, while other weather radars may have a fixed or unrealistic tilt angle feature.

  • The WX Advantage Radar has a realistic attenuation feature that affects how the radar signal is weakened by precipitation, while other weather radars may have no or unrealistic attenuation feature.

How realistic is the WX Advantage Radar compared to real-world radars?

The WX Advantage Radar is very realistic compared to real-world radars. It is designed to simulate the performance and functionality of modern airborne radars, such as the Honeywell RDR-4B or the Collins WXR-2100. It uses advanced algorithms and techniques to create a realistic representation of the weather conditions around your aircraft, based on the data from your weather engine. It also has features such as realistic attenuation, precipitation echoes, turbulence detection, ground clutter suppression, and more.

However, it is important to note that no weather radar can be 100% accurate or reliable. There are always limitations and uncertainties in how the radar signal interacts with precipitation particles, how the weather engine generates weather data, how the simulator renders weather graphics, and how the human eye perceives weather colors and shapes. Therefore, you should always use the weather radar as a tool, not as a truth, and exercise caution and judgment when flying in adverse weather conditions.

Does the WX Advantage Radar work with all aircraft and weather engines?

Yes, the WX Advantage Radar works with any aircraft and any weather engine in FSX and P3D. You can install the radar gauge in any 2D or 3D panel, or use it as a standalone window. You can also resize and reposition the radar window as you like. The radar will automatically detect and use the weather data from your weather engine, whether it is the default weather engine or a third-party add-on.

However, some aircraft or weather engines may have specific features or settings that can affect how the radar works or looks. For example, some aircraft may have their own weather radar systems that can interfere with the WX Advantage Radar. Or some weather engines may have options to enable or disable certain weather effects that can influence the radar display. Therefore, you should always check the documentation and support pages of your aircraft and weather engine for any compatibility issues or recommendations.

How much does the WX Advantage Radar cost and where can I buy it?

The WX Advantage Radar costs $19.95 USD (excluding VAT) for both FSX and P3D versions. You can buy it from REX Game Studios' online store or from other authorized resellers such as simMarket. Once you purchase it, you will receive an email with your download link and activation key.

The WX Advantage Radar is a one-time purchase that includes free lifetime updates and support. You can download and install any future updates from your customer account at REX Game Studios' website. You can also contact REX Game Studios for any support or feedback via their website, forum, or email.

How can I contact REX Game Studios for support or feedback?

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about the WX Advantage Radar or any other REX products, you can contact REX Game Studios via their website, forum, or email. You can also follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

REX Game Studios is a leading developer of flight simulation software, with over 10 years of experience and award-winning products. They are committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service to their loyal customers. They are always open to suggestions and feedback from their users, and they strive to improve their products based on user input. dcd2dc6462


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