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Levi Edwards

How to Download 2vray and Experience Your Designs in Real-Time as You Model

How to Download 2vray: A Complete Guide

If you are looking for a fast, easy, and powerful way to access the internet without censorship or restrictions, you might want to try 2vray. 2vray is a GUI client for Windows that supports Xray core and v2fly core and others, which are open-source protocols that can bypass firewalls and network interference. In this article, we will show you how to download, install, and use 2vray on your Windows PC.

download 2vray

What is 2vray and what are its features and benefits

2vray is a graphical user interface (GUI) client for Windows that allows you to use Xray core and v2fly core and others as your proxy tools. Xray core and v2fly core are forks of V2Ray, which is a platform for building proxies for network traffic obfuscation. By using these tools, you can access websites and services that are blocked or restricted by your ISP, government, or workplace. You can also protect your privacy and security online by encrypting your traffic and hiding your IP address.

Some of the features and benefits of using 2vray are:

  • It supports multiple protocols, such as VMess, VLESS, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Socks, HTTP, etc.

  • It has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to configure and manage your servers.

  • It supports QR code scanning, subscription importing, server testing, server switching, etc.

  • It has a built-in speed test function that can help you find the best server for your needs.

  • It has a system proxy mode that can automatically set your system proxy settings according to your server status.

  • It has a PAC mode that can automatically bypass domestic websites and direct them to your original network.

  • It has a global mode that can route all your traffic through your selected server.

  • It has a custom routing mode that can let you set rules for specific domains or IPs.

  • It has an auto-update function that can check for updates and download them automatically.

  • It has a log function that can help you troubleshoot any issues or errors.

Why you might want to download and use 2vray

If you are living in or traveling to a country or region where internet censorship or surveillance is prevalent, such as China, Iran, Russia, etc., you might want to download and use 2vray to access the free and open internet. With 2vray, you can bypass the Great Firewall of China, access Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, etc., enjoy faster and more stable connections, and protect your online privacy and security.

If you are working or studying remotely and need to access some websites or services that are only available in certain regions or countries, such as BBC iPlayer, Hulu, Spotify, etc., you might want to download and use 2vray to change your virtual location. With 2vray, you can connect to servers in different countries or regions, unlock geo-restricted content, stream media without buffering or throttling, and avoid bandwidth caps or data limits.

If you are concerned about your online privacy and security and want to prevent hackers, snoopers, trackers, ISPs, etc., from monitoring or stealing your personal data or online activities, you might want to download and use 2vray to encrypt your traffic. With 2vray, you can hide your IP address, mask your identity, avoid fingerprinting or tracking cookies, prevent DNS leaks or WebRTC leaks, and secure your public Wi-Fi connections.

How to download 2vray

Requirements and compatibility

Before you download 2vray, you need to make sure that your Windows PC meets the following requirements and compatibility:

  • You need to have Windows 7 or later as your operating system.

  • You need to have .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later installed on your PC.

  • You need to have a valid subscription or account from a provider that supports Xray core or v2fly core or others.

Download options and sources

There are two main ways to download 2vray on your Windows PC:

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  • You can download the latest release of 2vray from its official GitHub repository. You can choose between the portable version, which does not require installation, and the installer version, which does require installation.

  • You can download the latest version of 2vray from its official website. You can also find the previous versions, the source code, and the documentation on this website.

Whichever option you choose, you should always download 2vray from a trusted and verified source. You should also scan the downloaded file with an antivirus software before opening it.

Installation steps and tips

Depending on which version of 2vray you downloaded, you may need to install it on your PC or not. Here are the steps and tips for installing 2vray:

  • If you downloaded the portable version of 2vray, you do not need to install it. You just need to extract the zip file to a folder of your choice and run the 2vray.exe file as an administrator.

  • If you downloaded the installer version of 2vray, you need to install it. You just need to double-click the 2vray-setup.exe file and follow the instructions on the screen. You can choose where to install 2vray and whether to create a desktop shortcut or not.

  • After installing 2vray, you may need to allow it through your firewall or antivirus software. You can do this by going to your firewall or antivirus settings and adding 2vray as an exception or trusted program.

How to use 2vray

Basic interface and functions

Once you have downloaded and installed 2vray, you can launch it and see its main interface. The main interface consists of four tabs: Servers, Routing, Settings, and About. Here are the basic functions of each tab:

  • The Servers tab shows the list of servers that you have added or imported. You can add, edit, delete, test, or switch servers from this tab. You can also scan QR codes or import subscriptions from this tab.

  • The Routing tab shows the routing rules that you have set or applied. You can choose between four modes: System Proxy, PAC, Global, and Custom. You can also edit or create your own rules from this tab.

  • The Settings tab shows the general settings and preferences of 2vray. You can change the language, theme, startup behavior, update settings, log settings, etc. from this tab.

  • The About tab shows the information and credits of 2vray. You can check the version, license, source code, documentation, etc. from this tab.

How to configure and connect to servers

To use 2vray as your proxy tool, you need to configure and connect to servers that support Xray core or v2fly core or others. There are two main ways to do this:

  • You can manually add servers by clicking the Add button on the Servers tab and filling in the required information, such as protocol, address, port, ID, security, etc. You can find these information from your provider or server administrator.

  • You can automatically import servers by scanning QR codes or importing subscriptions from the Servers tab. You can find these QR codes or subscription links from your provider or server administrator.

After adding or importing servers, you can test their speed and latency by clicking the Test button on the Servers tab. You can also sort them by name, speed, latency, etc. by clicking the Sort button on the Servers tab.

To connect to a server, you just need to double-click it on the Servers tab or right-click it and select Connect. You will see a green icon next to the server name when it is connected. You can also switch to another server by double-clicking it or right-clicking it and selecting Switch.

How to update and troubleshoot 2vray

To keep 2vray up to date and running smoothly, you need to update and troubleshoot it regularly. Here are some tips for doing this:

  • You can check for updates manually by clicking the Check for Updates button on the About tab. You can also enable automatic updates by going to the Settings tab and selecting Check for Updates Automatically.

  • You can view the logs of 2vray by clicking the View Logs button on the Settings tab. You can also enable logging by going to the Settings tab and selecting Enable Logging.

  • You can report issues or bugs of 2vray by going to the About tab and clicking the Report Issues button. You can also join the Telegram group or Discord server of 2vray for support and feedback.


In conclusion, 2vray is a GUI client for Windows that supports Xray core and v2fly core and others, which are open-source protocols that can help you access the internet without censorship or restrictions. In this article, we have shown you how to download, install, and use 2vray on your Windows PC. We hope that this guide has been helpful and informative for you.

If you want to learn more about 2vray, you can visit its official website, GitHub repository, or Telegram group. You can also check out the documentation or the FAQ for more details and tips. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us or leave a comment below.


What is the difference between Xray core and v2fly core?

Xray core and v2fly core are both forks of V2Ray, which means they are derived from the same source code but have different features or improvements. Xray core is maintained by XTLS Project, while v2fly core is maintained by V2Fly Community. Both of them are compatible with V2Ray and can be used interchangeably.

How can I get a subscription or account for 2vray?

You can get a subscription or account for 2vray from a provider that supports Xray core or v2fly core or others. You can find some of these providers on the internet or ask your friends for recommendations. However, you should be careful and choose a reputable and reliable provider that respects your privacy and security.

How can I use 2vray on other devices or platforms?

If you want to use 2vray on other devices or platforms, such as Android, iOS, Mac, Linux, etc., you need to download and install a compatible client for those devices or platforms. You can find some of these clients on the official website or GitHub repository of 2vray. You can also use the same subscription or account that you use for 2vray on Windows.

How can I improve the performance or speed of 2vray?

If you want to improve the performance or speed of 2vray, you can try some of these tips:

  • Choose a server that is close to your location and has a low latency and high speed.

  • Choose a protocol that is suitable for your network environment and has a good balance between security and speed.

  • Choose a routing mode that matches your needs and preferences.

  • Update 2vray and your subscription regularly to get the latest features and fixes.

  • Clear your cache and cookies and restart your browser or device if necessary.

How can I uninstall 2vray from my Windows PC?

If you want to uninstall 2vray from your Windows PC, you can follow these steps:

  • If you installed 2vray using the installer version, you can go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program and find 2vray in the list. Then, right-click it and select Uninstall. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the uninstallation.

  • If you installed 2vray using the portable version, you can simply delete the folder where you extracted 2vray. You may also need to remove any shortcuts or registry entries related to 2vray.


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